Detailed information of matrix profile UN0476.1

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Profile summary

Name: ZF-C2H2-1
Matrix ID: UN0476.1
Class: C2H2
Taxon: Urochordates
Species: Ciona intestinalis
Data Type: SELEX
Uniprot ID: Q4H2K9  
Source: 31267468
Comment: No

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 259 263 169 168 186 86 126 97 123 50 982 8 12 387 365 354 28 764 146 134 ]
C [ 163 105 174 362 251 97 469 678 746 12 7 967 12 40 114 41 587 110 238 246 ]
G [ 325 432 368 127 269 401 265 99 77 4 7 21 3 362 99 341 61 37 98 78 ]
T [ 253 201 290 344 294 415 140 126 55 934 4 4 972 211 423 263 324 89 518 542 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links