Detailed information of matrix profile UN0470.1

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Profile summary

Name: Srf
Matrix ID: UN0470.1
Class: MADS
Family: Regulators
Taxon: Urochordates
Species: Ciona intestinalis
Data Type: SELEX
Uniprot ID: Q4H2R3  
Source: 31267468

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 254 274 240 312 261 212 273 39 24 810 84 850 93 497 248 222 133 288 255 321 ]
C [ 233 229 254 251 207 271 253 905 899 41 24 31 62 101 190 68 130 292 304 239 ]
G [ 252 248 235 221 219 262 235 31 14 51 12 53 26 146 196 643 581 188 209 195 ]
T [ 261 249 271 216 313 254 239 25 63 98 880 66 819 257 366 67 157 232 232 244 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links