Detailed information of matrix profile UN0335.2

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Profile summary

Name: ZNF596
Matrix ID: UN0335.2
Class: C2H2
Family: More
Taxon: Vertebrates
Species: Homo sapiens
Data Type: ChIP-seq
Uniprot ID: Q8TC21  
Source: ReMap
Comment: not

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 128 84 51 50 23 54 14 64 32 70 146 ]
C [ 1784 213 2269 62 2392 70 2419 101 2400 107 1524 ]
G [ 376 270 112 1739 38 158 54 139 22 1790 411 ]
T [ 214 1935 70 651 49 2220 15 2198 48 535 421 ]

Binding sites information

External links