Detailed information of matrix profile UN0305.2

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Profile summary

Name: ADNP
Matrix ID: UN0305.2
Class: Homeo
Family: HD-ZF
Taxon: Vertebrates
Species: Homo sapiens
Data Type: ChIP-seq
Uniprot ID: Q9H2P0  
Source: ReMap
Comment: not

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 63 20 29 2430 53 10 62 56 2013 100 2201 107 2136 128 389 1627 499 991 2368 2163 2381 114 122 175 2308 153 ]
C [ 2164 2407 2430 45 91 23 86 328 130 1972 72 69 85 204 150 83 85 178 69 143 21 2122 131 14 23 53 ]
G [ 52 8 11 35 55 9 90 57 252 73 120 2280 219 123 1829 583 1807 1143 39 178 107 65 73 2309 143 2248 ]
T [ 243 87 52 12 2323 2480 2284 2081 127 377 129 66 82 2067 154 229 131 210 46 38 13 221 2196 24 48 68 ]

Binding sites information

External links