Detailed information of matrix profile UN0161.2

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Profile summary

Name: ZNF12
Matrix ID: UN0161.2
Class: C2H2
Family: More
Taxon: Vertebrates
Species: Homo sapiens
Data Type: HT-SELEX
Uniprot ID: P17014  
Source: 28473536

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 3099 868 17 705 974 3714 817 5562 5616 20 5402 5530 2190 379 5610 677 120 1803 46 317 ]
C [ 922 1480 30 5385 39 5 453 0 0 5610 0 43 768 2821 10 323 3844 3642 5600 5135 ]
G [ 1342 397 5598 22 2019 1899 9 706 0 61 1394 78 3266 468 44 3468 1625 91 0 910 ]
T [ 253 4834 93 58 4540 312 4686 1 1 45 2 138 6 2457 7 1806 544 700 28 861 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links